Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why I think more students are skipping school.

I do not believe that more students are skipping school. I believe that in our society now we are just paying more attention to who is there and who is not.
If in fact there are more students skipping school then there could be a number of factors involved, some include:
  • More and more parents are both working now, and this could make it harder for them to know where their children are. Being busy, sometimes you lose sight of other things.
  • Also more teens these days have vehicles, or friends with vehicles. Making it easier to go to and from school whenever they please.
  • With all the ways of communicating with one another now, students are able to miss a class or two and still have all (or most of) the information they would have gotten had they been there. (Cellphones, Internet, Blogs, and Friends)

I'm not sure that there is a way to control kids from skipping class. You could say "well if you skip a class then you are suspended for a day". What good is that. Chances are if the kid skipped class they will see a suspension as a day off school.

Introduce yourself

I found the process of doing this to be more dificult then it should have been. I am usually quite comfortable setting things up on a computer and catch on quickly, this didn't happen to work out that way. But it was a way to learn something new.
I feel that this tool is a good way for teachers and students to keep in contact at almost all times. If a student misses a class this way he/she can get the information they missed that day from this site. It is also good for the teachers because it gives them an alternative way to get the information to the students.