Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Activity One (Essay writing)

Summarizing Essay Writing

First you choose a general topic to do your essay on, then research it. Come up with a main idea for your paper. Brainstorm what is going to be in the essay. After you have brainstormed you want to organize your ideas.
Write a rough draft of the essay, you can then do more research if you need to. Then you want to look over your essay and edit it.
You want to come up with a format and a design for your essay. After this you will want to either proofread your essay or get someone else to to eliminate all errors.
Then save your final copy, print it and hand it in to your teacher.

My weaknesses in essay writing would be organizing my thoughts and ideas, and referencing. I did some referencing in college last year but I still bugger it up a bit.

My strengths in essay writing is probably researching the topic I have chose to write about, and formatting my essay.

* I hope this is what I was supposed to do, I am not sure how I was to format this Avtivity. *